A professional massage is a relaxing, therapeutic treatment which helps to alleviate physical and mental stress. The essence of massage is "SPARSHA" of Touch. At Buddha, we harmonize your mind,body and spirit by stimulating the "Sparsha" element through our carefully selected massages. A good full body massage increases blood flow and hence improves the immunity system and also helps fight aging. A correct massage therapy heals the body and reduces the stress.
Massages are nice and healthy if you get it from the right spa, one that have certified masseuse that can give you a proper Russian massage Dubai which is not just your money well spent but also good for your body
Relax, renew and recharge is our main mantra.
Buddha Body Spa is a luxury day spa. Our spa is an oasis of absolute tranquility and beauty. At BUDDHA, our invigorating treatments have evolved from ancient Thai and western techniques and delivered through the magical hands of ourwell trained and soft spoken spa therapists.
Rejuvenate your mind and body at Kspa, a leading and luxurious brand and is top Russian massage center Dubai with different kinds of European massages. They have swedish massage, deep tissue massage, aromatherapy, couple's massages amongst many.Passion
Our Mission
It is our mission that spreading time at Buddha Spa will be a discovery of peace and harmony, not only between the past and present but alos within yourself.
The Buddha Touch
The blissful and luxury signature Buddha massage is an exclusive massage treatment which combines eastern philosophy with western techniques. Let the finest of exotic aroma oils, honey and milk nourish and revitalize your skin.